Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My Best Times Essay

My best time was when I got my first drum set. The drum set that I had before that was a cheap First Act paper and plastic one. I knew that I desperately needed another set. There was a hole in every drum and a dent in every symbol from me wailing on it so hard. Now that I have a real set, I have made so many modifications that it doesn’t even look like the same set.

This was the best time of my life because one; this was my first real set, and two; I knew I would be using it a lot for a long time. I got it for Christmas when I was at least seven, but don’t quote me on that, I can’t remember exactly. I have been playing since five though. Anyway, immediately after I found it in the living room, I started to jam. I called my friend, Aaron over, who just got a new guitar, and we rocked out for a bit. I can remember the look of sheer excitement on his face when he saw the drums. I know I had the same look when I saw that shining set for the first time.

I have replaced everything on my set except for the bass drum, toms, and floor tom. None of the symbols are original, including the hi-hat and hi-hat stand. I took out the bass pedal, and swapped it with a double pedal. I have put on an amazingly awesome, gigantor cowbell. Also, the almighty throne is a new and better one. All of these modifications were completely necessary to make it the best drum set it could be. Although, I have a feeling I’ll never be done making changes to it and making it better each time.

I love to have jam sessions with my bro, who shreds the guitar. We play classic rock, hard rock, and almost any kind of rock you can think of. We also do Latin and funk. Our favorite bands that we cover are the one and only Red Hot Chili Peppers, the awesome Led Zeppelin, and the classic and amazing AC/DC. I am also in a band called, Arsenic Jello. I know! It’s an awesome name isn’t it? Anyway, the members of the band are Kelcie on screaminvox and guitar, Mike on rippin’ lead guitar and vox, Jess on boomin’ bass, Austin on the magic keyboard, and yours truly on the flying drums. We are the royalty of classic rock. All you classic rock bands out there, be afraid because you will eventually bow to us by judgement day.
If you are in desperate need of something new to replace something old, do what i did; make sure that it will last. After all, I am still using my first set, I have just made it better to be able to withstand all the rockin out I do. Every time I sit on the throne of my drums, I think of the moment of total awe of that glistening, shining, hypnotizing, glorious drum set in the living room.


That One Teen Blogger said...

dude, put some hendrix on your profile!