Thursday, March 5, 2009

March Essay Writing Contest

The time was 10:00 in the small town of Maple Valley. We were standing outside of the church’s gym waiting to be let in to set up. It was the day for the great battle of the bands. Honestly, this was our bands first real gig. We’ve done shows in my garage and in the park before, but nothing like this. This was big. This was massive. This was like going from coaching weekend tee-ball games to being in the big leagues.

There’s a certain tension in the air when everyone is holding their breath waiting for the next name to be called. Personally, I hate the feeling. The weight of the pressure to do well was the weight of ten men sitting on our shoulders, and the whole band knew it. We were all doubtful about the new song, considering it was an original. That really got us jumpy and we were all about to soil ourselves when our name was called. We walked onto the stage.

The lights were dimmed, except for the stage. For some reason, it felt like the spotlight was on my drum set. Probably because I was so nervous. Anyway, as we sat down, or at least I did, the lights focused on the singer. Everyone was as quiet as a mouse in a library. The guitar started. I thought, this is it, man, you’re gonna fail, just watch. “Shut up!” I told myself. I talk to myself a lot. We’re sounding good so far, I thought. After a while of playing, I calmed down. I stopped thinking, and just played. I wasn’t thinking anymore, I was feeling. Once the song ended, relief flooded through me like the warmth of a cup of coffee on a cold morning.

After the song, and it went great by the way, we walked of the stage with the crowd cheering. Some of it was I hope from them liking our song, but I think most of it was because we were the youngest group. After the rest of the bands were finished, the called everyone on the stage. They called off the third and second place names. As the announcer was opening the paper to read the first place prize, all fell into a deep silence. Everyone was holding their breaths as they said, "and the winner is, Blue thunder!" "Dang it!" we cried. Oh, yeah, our name was the Sultans of Rock. In the end, we placed eighth out of twenty-something. The important thing was, we stayed together through the end.


The Word (fools) said...

In your introduction I admire what you did when you used going from coaching little league tee-ball to being in the big leagues to show how big your gig was compared to what you normally do.One specific detail about it that stood out was when you said it was big, massive and then used a simile to show even better how big it was.

In your second body paragraph I admire what you did when you said, "...relief flooded through me like the warmth of a cup of coffee on a cold morning." I admired you when you did that because it connected me more with the feeling that you had at that exact moment.

In your conclusion I admired what you did when you concluded that the crowd was cheering more about the fact that you were the youngest band rather then that they liked you. I admired you when you did that because it showed more about who you are and gave more away about your personality then you think it did.