Friday, May 8, 2009

The Day the Jazz Band Blew CRMS's Minds

Have you ever got that feeling that everything’s on you? That feeling that if you make one mistake it’s all over? Well if you haven’t, that’s the feeling you get when you’re the drummer in a band. The best you can do is stay focused, and don’t think about it too much.

I was in seventh grade when the Jazz Band played for the talent show. We set up in the gym next to the stage. The Saxes were in front with the trumpets, the trombone was behind them and the guitar and bass by him. The drums were in the back, but still visible. I was all nerves and shaky legs when it was my song to play. As Mr. Adams counted off everything went quiet.

“Get out I Got Rhythm,” said Mr. Adams in a stage whisper. He counted, “One, two, one two three four!” I started with a jazz beat, along with the trumpets and Saxes. As we played, I tried to not think too much. After a while, I stopped thinking I would fail, and just played my heart out. It came time for my solo, but I was prepared. I had made up an awesome solo earlier that day, and I didn’t miss a beat. When my solo was over, everyone cheered. The rest of the song went as smooth as ice.

As we ended the last song, everyone stood up and started clapping. We even got a couple whistles from some of the parents. I looked over to Mr. Adams, and the look on his face told me we did a superior job. After the talent show, Brad came over and wanted an interview with Dakota and me. We said, “We were just having fun, no sweat.”

I think the only reason that I didn’t munk up too bad was that I listened to my brother, “stay focused and don’t think, just play.” I remembered this statement right when I sat down to play. That made me calm. So remember, just focus and you can do whatever you need to.